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Garmin Approach R10 Preorder Information / Expected Ship DatesUpdated 3 years ago

👉 For the most up-to-date information on Garmin Approach R10 inventory & preorders, sign up for our Weekly Garmin Approach R10 Update by visiting the product page.


Due to supply chain struggles, the availability of the Garmin Approach R10 has been severely limited. Despite this, we have been able to work closely with Garmin to fulfill more Approach R10 orders than any other retailer and will continue to do so until all of our current preorders have been fulfilled.

Here are some FAQs:

  • Are you currently taking preorders? 
    • Unfortunately no. We have decided to turn off preorders until we are able to satisfy our existing preorders. Sign up for our Weekly Update below to get notified when we turn preorders back on.
  • How many people are in front of me in line? (for existing preorder customers)
    • Our team won't be able to give specific numbers in terms of your place in line but our Weekly Update will provide the latest information on when we're expecting the next shipment and which order dates we've shipped through thus far.
  • Why is this taking so gosh darn long? (for existing preorder customers)
    • We don't need to expound on the worldwide supply chain issues anymore. But it's a combination of those issues and overwhelming demand for what is TRULY an amazing product in the Approach R10.
  • Can I cancel my order and get a refund? (for existing preorder customers)
    • Of course! At any time. Just open the Chat feature and select "Cancel an order" and we'll take care of the rest.
  • Can I swap my Approach R10 order for another product? (for existing preorder customers)
    • Of course! Just contact the PlayBetter team and you can be assured that you'll be well taken care of.

👉 For the most up-to-date information on Garmin Approach R10 inventory & preorders, sign up for our Weekly Garmin Approach R10 Update by visiting the product page and entering your email in either of the locations noted below.

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